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Onesimo Bulilit Foundation

Onesimo Bulilit Foundation, Inc. is a non-governmental organization registered in the Philippines (Link: Security and Exchange Commission Registration Number CN-200906576) and licensed by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare (Link: Department of Social Welfare and Development License Number DSWD-NCR-RL000012-2009).
Bulilit means small in Filipino and Onesimo Bulilit is the Filipino name for Onesimo Kids.
Onesimo Bulilit works with street children and their families in specific areas of Manila. With various programs we want to perceive the needs of the children and support them to the extent that they can develop their full potential and have a good chance to develop into productive and responsible young people.
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Onesimo Bulilit was initiated in 2003 by Daniel Wartenweiler, a staff member of Servants Manila, to address the needs and wants of younger street children. It all started with a team of young people from Oneismo who spent many hours on the streets building relationships with children and street families. From September 2004, the whole team moved to the target area of Quiapo. Over the next five years, the following three areas of work were developped: drop-in centre, community program and shelter. In 2008, a new shelter house was built. In 2009, Onesimo Bulilit was registered as a subsidiary organization of Onesimo in the Philippines and licensed by the Social Welfare Office.

Who we are


We seek out, support and care for street children.
We build family-like communities of love, acceptance and healing.
We integrate Christian values into all of our programs.


We are a transformed community growing together and sharing our lives with street children and their families (children at risk) so that they may experience God's kingdom in their lives and neighborhoods.



Street children are cared for within their families, and parents are empowered and equipped to care for their children.
Street children have a safe place where they can heal from traumatic experiences and change their values and behavior.
Street children are given opportunities that enable them to develop into responsible and productive members of society.


Target group

In Metro Manila, more than 100,000 children live on the streets. Onesimo Bulilit focuses on the area of Quiapo and its surroundings. Quiapo is part of the old inner city of Manila, a densely populated melting pot of different ethnic groups. Quiapo is known for cheap clothes and jewelry, pirated DVDs, porn cinemas and street children. Hundreds of families live under bridges, along water canals and on the sidewalk.

Onesimo Kids caters to two target groups:

Street children

Children of street families who do not have a permanent home.
Children who work on the street without parental care.
Children who live on the street without parents.


Abused children

Neglected children
Physically Abused Children
Sexually Abused Children



Street work

Three times a week, teams go out on the streets to make contact with street children and their families and invite them to the drop-in centre.


School Programs

Informal school program
Children who have never been to school learn to read and write in the informal school program, are prepared for public school or are given the opportunity to catch up on their schooling by taking government school exams.

School Support
Children from street families are accompanied and supported by the school support program for their school education. The parents are motivated and accompanied in the care of their children. In the student center, the children find a place to learn, a place for tutoring and a sympathetic ear.


Children who can no longer live with their families, either temporarily or for a longer period of time, because they have been abused or have run away from home, are given a new home in the shelter. In a family-like atmosphere, they learn how to deal with their experiences and receive targeted support. Where possible, the children are reintegrated with their family, relatives or foster families after a maximum of three years.


Free time

During the summer, children enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Camp Rock in various camps, for many the first time they leave Manila. Here they get to know themselves, others and God better in a joyful atmosphere. Regular excursions in all programs also serve the purpose of recreation and broadening horizons.


Drop-in Center

The drop-in centre is a low-threshold, open day care centre and a protected place for street children. Here, the children can shower, wash clothes, get a meal and find a sympathetic ear. The children learn to participate in household tasks and are accompanied and motivated through activities such as workshops, handicrafts, games and exchanges. Children's needs are assessed and appropriate interventions are planned. Where possible, parents are involved in the processes.


Parent education

Parents are encouraged to take responsibility for their children, experience community together and help in individual programs. In retreats and family days, families are encouraged to reflect on their relationships, talk about problems and find new ways of addressing them.

Leadership training

Children who mature into teenagers and are active in our programs for a long time are given the opportunity to participate in leadership training. Here they learn how to accompany other children and become involved in leadership tasks in the care of children.



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